2011年的新年,第一次在国外庆祝。以前,总是认为新年没什么,就只是发闷;现在,体验了没有亲人在身旁的新年,心里顿时特别思念亲人-正所谓“每逢佳节倍思亲” - 我终于可以深深感受。 This was my first experience to celebrate Chinese New year oversea. In the past, I always thought that new year was boring. But, I have changed my mind. I missed my family and friends badly during the new year. 为了让自己的新年并不是太寂寞,便参加了Plymouth's College举办的春节晚会。这个晚会,基本是我们中国同学所承办的。一张6磅的票,包含了入场,自助餐,表演节目及吃饺子。 I joined a spring festival's party that organized by Plymouth's College. The main purpose was to reduce my loneliness. This party basically organized by a bunch of chinese students from China. The ticket cost 6 pound, including entrance fee, buffet, entertainment show, and free dumpling. 这个晚会还蛮热闹的。前排的座位多留给了VIPs.所以,要拍照很有难度,因为前面都有人会挡住你的焦点。拍了不是很多,况且我们提早离开了。上半段的表演,蛮精彩的。表演包括了舞狮,武夫表演,古筝表演,相声,独唱,大合唱等等。 I was said that the party was quite happening. The front seats were reserved for VIPs. It challenged me to take a nice photos during the party due to audiences blocked the view. Therefore, I didn...