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Showing posts from April, 2013

Fate with 10q26.1

Mentioned about 10q26.1 is not a secret code, is a rare chromosomal syndrome that my client has. In the report in year 2007, only reported 60 cases of 10q25 and 10q26, maximally around 70-80 cases currently. I tried to locate some research articles about this syndrome, unfortunately it was really minimal. Not to mention about the physical aspects, this syndrome comes along with learning and behavioral difficulties such as short attention span, easily distracted, outburst of aggressiveness, self-inflicting harm behavior and easily frustrated. Usually, there is no apparent trigger. It talks about nature and nurture, I strongly agree with both factors affect greatly on the persons and their significant others. It could affect their learning, social interaction, and even well-being. Behavior does not happen in vacuum, yet it is also challenging to modify one's behavior if the behavior is in-build in their system. Having this client with me, is my ble...