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Showing posts from December, 2021
Recently learnt about emotion triangle, it said human tends to suppress core emotion, and manifested as either a defense or inhibitory emotion. The emotion that we tends to inhibit are shame, guilt ... There are fear and inferiority that governs my heart - I have to learn to address and admit my feelings better, and make a decision to communicate or set a boundary. It is hard to actually do so, and I know after I have done it - I can sense my guilt and shame. It is like a vicious cycle.  I have to make a promise to myself - be mindful, be steady and let my head clears. Don't react much...But at the same times I am glad that I did say something. I did express myself. I did feeling less intense. I treated it as a progress.  Anyway I felt sorry of the people that I hurt - when I am still a human with sin...