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Showing posts from November, 2009


爱上了,就奋不顾身。。。 无法控制的情欲。。 强制的控制,只是两败俱伤。。 偏偏要爱,就是这样的坦率。。 为什么爱,还要隐藏。。 为什么想,还要假装。。 为什么要,还要拒绝。。 把昨天都作废 现在你在我眼前 我想爱 请给我机会 如果我错了也承担 认定你就是答案 我不怕谁嘲笑我极端 相信自己的直觉 顽固的仍不喊累 爱上你 我不撤退 我说过 我不闪躲 我非要这麽做 讲不听也偏要爱 更努力爱 让你明白 没有别条路能走 你决定要不要陪我 讲不听偏爱 看我感觉爱 等你的依赖 对你偏爱 痛也很愉快 等你的依赖 不后悔 有把握 我不闪躲 我非要这麽做 讲不听也偏要爱 更努力爱 让你明白 没有别条路能走 你决定要不要陪我 讲不听偏爱 看我感觉爱 等你的依赖 对你偏爱 痛也很愉快

Zig Zag Zoo, Zoo Negara

Zoo Negara, aka National Zoo of Malaysia was our family outing last week. Never believe that I would go to zoo after 10 years. Zoo Negara has never give me any good impression, little did I know Zoo Negara is a place full of grasses and trees, and all the animals like to sleep. We went to Zoo Negara, for the purpose to attend Zig Zag Zoo. My niece, Tze Yee has a drawing to be exhibited in Zig Zag Zoo under Da Vinci Art School and NASOM. We saw lots of great drawing in relation to animals. Personally, I like art. I love creative. I m always very excited to see art especially handmade stuffs. Below is the drawing by my 9 years old niece. The topic of the drawing is animal. She drew a cow in space. Her color combination is greatly done. I like the galaxy that she put. It was nicely spread across the sky. Zoo Negara, still gave me same impression after 10 years visit. However, this time most of the animals seemed going to die. It was saddening and disappointing to pay rm20 to visit such a ...

(好食介绍) Oriental Cravings 风味小馆, One Utama

爸爸是典型传统的住家男人,他无法接受外国餐,只钟爱中国餐。所以,哥哥和姐姐就带全家人去尝尝One Utama的风味小馆推出的菜肴。 想要介绍它,是因为它的菜肴色香味俱全。不但如此,它也搞创意。每一天都会有特别风味的菜肴,调食客的瘾。 家人会上来kl玩,主要目的就是为了我们家的小公主,瑄(二姐的千金)。祝她生日快乐。她是活动派的,静静地做着,是非常难得。她很爱吃,这里的食物,我们家的小公主都爱吃的。哈哈 一人一杯的凉水。很清爽的凉水,里面加了很多冬瓜丝。不会太甜,很好喝,不过冬瓜丝我觉得放了太多,我都吃不完。 中餐没有煎蛋,那就太奇怪了。哈哈。本人最喜欢看美美的东西。普通的虾煎蛋上放了几根的莞须菜,就比较漂亮。蛋并不油腻,配饭好吃。 酸甜咕噜肉,没有胃口的话,叫一些酸甜的食物必定打开胃口。我爱又酸又甜的感觉。咕噜肉很有咬劲,甜中带有一点酸,酱汁很入味。 豆谷猪肉,类似nyonya pong-teh的味道。不是nyonya人或没吃过nyonya餐的人,应该都不知道我讲的是什么感觉。如果形容的话,我会说卤味加豆瓣味。这道菜很重口味,适合配饭。 豆腐拌鸡肉。又是一道重口味的菜肴。整个菜肴的搭配,感觉放了许多的蔬菜,不过味道还蛮不错的。 清炒Kailam菜带出青菜的原味。蛮脆的菜,不会软绵绵咬不断。好吃。 汤放了猪肉,中虾,猪肉丸,包菜,等等。很香浓,很入味。食菜不会墩的太烂。好喝。 哈哈,我觉得我很词穷~~不要管我的形容,总之这间餐馆值得去吃哦。

Wash and Watch

A: Today, I am going to "wash" tv B: Tonight, I am going to "watch" clothes Wash and watch, a correct pronouncation is important. If not, it will become a joke of a day. These two words made us laugh till roll on the floor. Just a joke to share with everyone. :P

Self-Growth Training Backdrop

I just wanna share the art-piece that Prisca and I created for Self Growth Training. I felt a sense of satisfaction whenever I looked at it especially the greenish land. We disliked at first, but when we matched with the flower and butterflies, it looked great and presentable. Butterflies represent growth. Butterfly grows step by step, from an ugly worm to a beautiful butterfly. Same as human, we are growing from infants till adults. There is a process. There is a change in size and maturity. Flower represent beauty. Each types of flowers have their own beauty. Some like rose, some like tulip, some like sunflower and more. What is your favorite flower, and what flower can represent you? Nature is the essence or element of beauty. It doesn't need to artificial make-up, it doesn't need to pretend, just as how God create it. Self Growth, just as flower and butterfly in the natural land =D

(好食介绍)Sweet Chat, Times Square

Last time, my friend recommended me to try mango ice in Sweet Chat Cafe. As mango lover, finally I got a chance to dine there. We ordered few desserts for a try. Firstly, almond cream with tong yuen. Almond supposed to be tasted fragnant, but this dessert truly disappointed me. It tasted like medicine syrup. I just drink 1 spoon, then I forced to waste this dessert. It is not worth to try. I quite love kiwi ice. Although kiwi got a bit of sour taste, it mixed well with the ice and sago. Here come with my mango ice. I love this! Mango is sweet and fresh. Furthermore, when i saw so many mango pieces surrounding the ice, it indeed awesome. Fresh fruit made the ice tasted delicious. Banana pancake was another dessert that I ordered. I never try pancake before, this was my first time to try pancake. I didnt put any expectation on it, but it come unexpectedly delicious. The texture was super soft and smooth. Inside, there is banana fruit and cream and covered with slim "pancake". T...

(好食介绍)潮宴,One Utama

潮州料理,你是否尝过?喜欢吃粥的人,就懂得什么是潮州粥了。其实,潮州粥只是一碗的白粥,配上小吃如咸鱼,菜卜,午餐肉等。 位于One Utama的潮宴,能够让你品尝到味的潮州料理。设计堂皇,橙黄色的灯光,加上木质的座椅,给人舒适感。 当然,重点是介绍它的料理。番薯粥,相信大家华人都有吃过。这碗粥并不会太希,配上香甜的番薯,其实很好吃。喜欢番薯粥的朋友们,这个粥真的不错。可以试一试。 酥炸花枝,点给我的小侄女吃的。小孩子就是爱吃炸食。花枝很有弹性,很新鲜,并不会黏牙。这道菜是RM18。 橄菜肉碎,加入了橄榄油去炒的。我本生不是很喜欢这道菜因为这种菜或橄榄油的味道太重了,不适合我的口味。可是,我的姐姐就超爱这道菜的。不过,如果加入粥一起吃,味道就不会太重,就感觉不错了。这个也是RM18。 咸菜焖石斑煲,一级棒。我爱吃咸菜,所以可能对它又少些的偏见。别人说,用砂锅煮的食物,都很好吃。这道菜,真的不错。鱼很新鲜,鱼肉也很滑。这道菜RM38. 茜芹方鱼蒸鸡,采用了菜园鸡。菜园鸡比农场鸡还要结实,也较小只。因为他们跑完了整个kampung.哈哈,讲笑而已。其实,我根本没有感觉这道菜有鱼肉。鸡很有叫劲,不会软软的。好吃。这道菜值RM22。 所有的菜都是统一价钱,也就是说不管几个人吃,分量是一样的,价钱也是一样的。 照片不是拍的很好,因为我的手机在暗的环境下不能好好运作。

(好食介绍) Alexis, The Garden

Alexis, 是一间较高级的西式餐厅。姐姐强力的介绍与推荐,她不是说说而已,她便带我去见识一下,什么是好吃的食物。。。 Alexis出名蛋糕。当然,最出名的就是tiramisu了。Tiramisu 还得过奖的。这是必点的甜品,绝对不会失望。每一层都带来不一样的口感。当你咬下去第一口时,你会觉得很爽口。接着,你的味蕾会感受到甜而不腻,吃蛋糕间种会品尝到巧克力豆,也有脆脆的almond豆。这个蛋糕,也可以配上草莓酱。甜与酸的搭配,也是不一样的体会。 第二道,叫了旁菜=干贝。不好意思,我忘记了它的名字。本人认为这道菜有点油腻,不过蛮好吃的。干贝不出齐名,它的质感很有弹性,一咬即化,融入了口里。这个酱有点辣,也有甜,有蒜米,配上干贝,蛮恰当的。青菜是让你不觉得单单吃干贝而腻,衬托出干贝的好吃。 第三道是主菜,牛肉。我超喜欢这道菜。牛肉才放入口中就融化了,又没有牛骚味。酱是甜甜的,萝卜超好吃的。薯泥,没话说,真的很高级。我对这道菜爱不释手,因为都是入口即化,味道又刚刚好,不会太腻。只不过,它的青菜是苦的。可能菜很老了。 第四道菜,也是主菜,龙虾意大利面。这个意粉很特别,因为是细细的,好像普通吃的拉面的感觉。没有错的话,这只加入了橄榄油,不过却很好吃。这个意粉很有弹性,不会黏黏的。龙虾,很新鲜,只是烤过而已。 很不错的一家餐厅。不过,价钱就有少许的昂贵。一个人只好需要花费rm30-50以上。我会很想到回去吃,有让我回味无穷。 Alexis 的网址 --〉

I Look To You

歌,是表达情感的方式。。 歌,是表白。。 歌,是情感丰富,表达细腻。。 你,可能用言语说不出来的肉麻字句。。 点一首歌,就能代表你的表白,你的爱恋,你的温柔,你的关心,还有你的。。。等等。。 不同时段,听着情歌。。有不同的风味。。 情歌字句代表你的心情写照,强烈地让你韵味。。 这首歌,昨晚听了。。很沉醉。。 今早,听着。。想起昨晚听的感觉。。让我心软化。。 I Look To You As I lay me down Heaven hear me now Im lost without a cause After giving it my all Winter storms have come And darkened my sun After all that Ive been through Who on earth can I turn to? Chorus: I look to you, I look to you After all my strength is gone In you I can be strong I look to you, I look to you And when melodies are gone In you I hear a song I look to you Have to lose my breath There's no fighting left Sinking to rise no more Searching for that open door And every road that I've taken Led to my regret And I don't know if I'm go'n make it Nothing to do but lift my head Chorus: My levees are broken My walls are coming down on me My rain is falling Defeat is calling I need you to set me free Take me far away from the battle I need you Shine on me!

I Miss You - Miley Cyrus


如果有一天,你必须做出抉择。。 二选一, 同等的重要,放弃哪一方都是有失有得,有优有缺。。 认知的错乱就产生了。。 抉择取决于思考。。。 思考的越多,也迷失方向。。 对与错只是一线之间。。 向左,向右。。 都为有遗失的美好。。 被迫,或压力下所需要的抉择。。 压力,让你的情绪起伏不定。。 情绪与认知的交接。。 4 种可能产生的状况 好情绪 + 好认知·好情绪 + 坏认知·坏情绪 + 好认知·坏情绪 + 坏认知 好 + 好,当然是好事。。 但如果, 你陷入了无法抉择,也并不想抉择的时候。。 你的思考将是凌乱的。。 你的情绪也是烦躁的。。 如果,你不懂得释放。。 你,总有一天。。 就很有可能倒了。。


浪漫的定义。。在于你的需要,你的要求。。 华丽的盛宴,昂贵的礼物,公开式表白,特大的惊喜。。 简单的自备食物,朴实自制礼物,默默的付出,小小的惊喜。。等等。。 对我而言,浪漫就是。。 一个疼你的人。。为了你做了每一件的事。。 疼就是浪漫。。 不需要任何外在条件,只需要一颗心。。 心代表了真正的自己。Do it with all your heart.. 想疼一个人,来自于你的心有没有那个人。。 再怎样昂贵的礼物,都比不上一颗疼你的心。。 物质上的满足,不代表你是浪漫的。。 谢谢疼我的人。。


How do I feel when I touched the sand? Honestly, I closed my eyes and I tried hard to feel the texture of sand, in hoping to achieve some special feeling but I had failed. I have problem concentrating in meditation. I thought sandplay therapy is not effective for people like me. Last week, Agape Counseling Centre has begun its First Module of Self Growth Training - Basic Counseling Element and Exploring Family Background. We got the hand-on experience by using sandplay therapy technique. Miniature is the essence of sandplay, participants can freely choose miniature, and display them in your sandtray. This time, we have to put all our family members (represent them with miniature) inside our sandtray. I am getting emotional. Firstly, the background of music is very sentimental. Secondly, I saw someone started sobbing. Sharing is a form of expression. I felt comfortable with my partner, thus my tears dropping. If there is a change, I would love to change. Open communication is very impor...