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Showing posts from April, 2009


Human has the fundamental need to feel connected to social world. In another word, no man is an island. Family members, friends, colleagues and others are creatures that live in this social world. Thus, our world is never to be alone. Everyone is unique, we are wonderful art piece by God. Uniqueness makes everyone has their own charisma that attracts the others. Attraction could be either positive or negative. Positive attraction could help both parties to feel much more connected to one another. However, negative attraction might hinder both parties to become one step closer. How about family members? Do we feel comfortable or connected to every single family members that we have? Rarely it happened. It doesn't mean that we do not have the ability to improve the relationship. In the kinship, It is even harder to deal with once conflict or argument occurs. We can't simply abandon our family members, and also we are reluctant to speak it frankly to one another. Thus, the conflic...


Millions of people are smoking, tonnes of cigarettes have been sold per day, the countless amount of nicotine being consumed in the body of smokers, the significant amount of 2nd hand smoke has been produced per day and so and so... Smoking is a sign of maturity..Smoking could help me to reduce stress..Smoking can refresh my mind..Smoking can give me inspiration to be artistic..Tonnes of excuses of smoking.. Smoking is not a crime, but it only deteriorates human's health. Nicotine is a type of drug, which the smokers will be addicted to it, thus the possibility to quite smoking becomes thin. There is nothing can't be quit. In the market, I saw a type of electronic tobacco to help the smoker to quite smoking. It doesn't contain any nicotine, but allows the smoker to feel the sensation of smoking. Abstinence is a tough process. To lose weigh is difficult because you can't resist to smoking. It applied to smoking as well. A day without smoking will cause fatigue, energy le...


不好意思,在此本小姐要做个广告。 你爱唱歌吗? 你有任何的朋友是歌唱好手吗? 快来报名参加这个奖金丰富的歌唱比赛。提名人也有奖金哦!! 详情--〉请联络主办当局。。 难得的机会,你舍得错过吗? 请多多的支持。 谢谢。


If you are making someone to feel bad, what do you feel? A sense of happiness ? A sense of enjoyment ? Yes, some people feel positive emotion. Some people are just inconsiderate They are making someone to feel uncomfortable, but they don't feel that they did something wrongly They could do that to someone they are close to Without giving any chance for the person to say anything To deal with this kind of person, is better to be in silence In order not to get yourself into trouble Today, read an article from newspaper "Everyone has their own tempo of drum in them" Be firm, be sure of your own self, no point to get angry of someone else. Because everyone has their own pursue of opinion. Make sure of your own tempo, and go with it =D


Finally~~end of the assignment for this semester. A sense of relieve. This assignment is 80%. So high right? I m getting fed up of doing assignments, how i wish my life is only exam only? Haha..A bit dramatic..But now..i feel that i am a free-girl..Although i have a paper on 23rd. Good luck to all my IP A classmates. The most scariest part is doing the assignment when our lecturer warning spinning around my head "Plagiarism is not allowed. Even one word, you have to repeat the subject". This statement is haunting... I believe that I have learnt a lot in psychology course. We have learnt to be professional, critical, ethical and analytical. I just want to enjoy this short moment. Rest now. =D
有些人,每当他伤心时就是让自己睡着。。就是要掩盖自己的悲伤,让自己的眼泪在睡眠中渐渐的减少。也有些人,伤心时就解酒消愁。。喝呀喝。。就把烦恼忘却。。有些人,伤心就躲起来,躲开世俗的眼光,谁都不见。。有些人,伤心的时候,就把别人乱骂,让自己好受。。有些人,会找别人的肩膀靠。。 当你伤害了人,又不知道原因,是最措手不及。。当你伤害的人,是你最爱的人,也让自己受伤。。明明一开始,觉得自己被伤害,反过来变成是元凶。。事情的转折,是如此的错中复杂。 当你在乎一个人的时候,你也就比较的敏感。对方说的任何一句话,都很可能产生致命的效果。这个时候,已经没有谁对谁错了。。只希望对方好。。 这个玻璃球,又再次的打碎了。。
友情, 最怕的就是对彼此失去信心

He's Just Not That Into You

This movie able to bring a value of Love. It tells us what a true love is, and to realize or appreciate someone that truly love you. It does not depressingly portray how freely or openly the love or sex could be, however it shows the essence of love in between the couples. Sometimes the spark just doesnt happen in between couples, however when you started to miss or think over someone, the person already catches your heart =D We might sound like a love therapist to someone, giving advice to someone, however I think that when the love strike your heart, every advice perhaps just go into ruin. Sometimes, Love is blind. A guy or girl will be crazily think of having a partner in their lives. It seems desperate, but it is the truth. Love is just so powerful tool that could move someone to do or think or feel about something or someone in depth. Marriage is not a tomb of death. If you love someone, you will accept the union or togetherness or commitment between one another. One of the sound...


In msn, we always use emoticon in our conversation. Once upon a time, Shanna gave me a "shit" face, and insisted that it is CUTE. No matter how hard she has tried, I still think that it is not CUTE at all. =D offense..When she asked me to blog abt this, this thought comes into my mind. Yes, indeed It is hard to influence someone to be like U Everyone has their own preference, interest, thinking and etc I like it, doesn't mean that You like it Thus, sometimes We tend to get frustrated when someone just couldn't understand you We tend to be hurt when someone just speak so directly to us However I still value - whoever you are Be honest to yourself, is the best policy Making yourself to change for someone Is only temporary Open minded to others and yourself You will find a change within yourself Influence your own life

A Short Film by Yasmin Ahmad - Funeral

"The little imperfection that makes them perfect for you" Sadness.Realization.Touching.

Amazing Grace - Chris Tomlin

A song that I like. It is very soothing.


CHANGE DO YOU NEED A CHANGE? WILL YOU CHANGE DUE TO INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL FACTORS? WHAT IS THE REASON OF YOUR CHANGE? DOES CHANGE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE? In times, you change, and I change Past vs Present vs Future It won't be the same I may know you, but I may not know you now I may know myself, but I may not know myself now IT IS PARADOXICAL

A custom signature

Today, I made my own exploration of adding up new thing for my blog.. Which is putting signature (see below)..haha / --> This website provides free service for you to create your own signature. After that you can go to Dashboard --> Settings --> Formatting --> Post Template Put the code inside the Post Template Code as below Enjoy it =D Refer to

Accomplished Perfectionist ?

I got this from Cool and interesting =D What makes an accomplished perfectionist? In other words, how does one balance the act of accomplishment with a strive for perfection? Accomplished perfectionism is the fusion of two separate genes: those that empower a person to get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible, and those that compels him or her to do their best possible job on these things. To illustrate, take a look at the following phrases which are more likely to be said or thought by a carrier of each of these two genes: Aspect Perfectionist Accomplished General thinking "All or nothing" "Best I can get" Evaluation "I can’t see beyond these little imperfections" "This is perfect enough. What’s next?" Standards "I have to aim very high" "I’ll do my best at what’s possible" Results "I’m so paranoid about ...


(英国‧伦敦)高空跳伞被称为“勇敢者的运动”,就连20多岁的年轻人都需要足够的勇气,更何况近百岁的老人呢? 英国《每日邮报》报导,上週六(4月4日),英国一位97岁的老翁为了给慈善团体募集善款,勇敢地从1万英尺高的飞机上跳下。 8日迎接98岁生日 报导说,这位传奇老人名叫莫伊西,来自英国多塞特郡波恩茅斯市,4月8日他將迎来98岁的生日。 当天,在威尔特郡的內瑟拉文机场,莫伊西在教练的陪伴下从飞行高度1万英尺(约3048米)的飞机上跳下。在最初的5000英尺中,他们以每 小 时120英里的速度自由降落,降落伞打开后他们较平缓地下落,最终安全降落在索尔兹伯里平原上。 完成跳伞后莫伊西老人非常开心,他说:“这非常有趣,我真的很享受这种乐趣,我一点儿都没有害怕。这是我的第一次但不是最后一次。” - The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul 莫伊西还把自己在这般年纪还能如此敏捷灵活归功於运气。 他表示:“我没有无所事事,我参加社会活动,我每天都散步,我自己做饭、洗衣服、熨衣服以及所有一切。能如此灵活敏捷我真的很幸运。” 世界最老跳伞者101岁 莫伊西据称是英国最老的跳伞者,但他还不是世界上年龄最大的跳伞者。澳洲101岁的穆迪曾从9900多英尺的高空跳下,有趣的是,据说他是和朋友打赌才有了那惊人一跳。 跳伞之后,穆迪喝啤酒庆祝並收取他朋友们交出的赌注。 星洲日报/国际‧2009.04.06

Attaining the result

The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul I had been struggling for almost 1 week, is just for the preparation of my final project viva. The feeling of not clear about my topic, and the difficulty of getting my journal articles made me like a loser. I was tensed and worried. Until the last 3 days, i finally got some. I was extremely excited, because my effort and time in doing it were not wasted. Procrastination is always not the best way to accomplish the task. If you do it earlier, at least you able to identify the problem earlier, and you have more time to solve the problem. If you work hard for it, you will get something productive in return. Always prepare, is always the best safeguard. Although the process of doing it, is painful and stressful. I had the feeling of giving up. I felt super tense and stress. I felt like vomiting. At last, I still hold on to it, because I can't afford to not complete my assigned task. After presenting my paper, I know that I...

Haha =D

有一天一个蚂蚁正在晒太阳, 突然看见大象慢悠悠的 走来 , 忙起身伸直前腿, 旁边的兔子忙问你在干吗呢? 蚂蚁说:“嘘~~~~~~~ 小声点 看我拌他一脚”


想要的未必能得到, 也许时机不对, 它,可能来的迟,可能是一个未知数, 不断的去探望,不断的去期待, 还是零, 也许会失望,不过已经尝试过了, 就别去过于的盼望结果, 真的很想,很想。。 回顾好的一面,是来补充自己的空虚。

Do Unto Others

Judaism "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" Leviticus 19:18 Christianity "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them" Matthew 7:12 Islam "No one of you is a believer untill he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" Forty Hadiths of Al-Nawawi (13) Hinduism "Do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you" Mahabharata 5.1517 Buddhism "A state that is not pleasing or delightful to me, how could i inflict that upon another?" Samyutta Nikaya v.353 Confucianism "Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence" Mencius VII.A.4 Sikhism "Do not create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone" Guru Granth Sahib Shintoism "Hurt not others with that which pains yourself" Udan-Varga 5.18 --------------------------------------------------------------------...


When 21 year old Kevin’s life comes to an abrupt halt, his parents are faced with many unexpected decisions. As their only child’s life unfolds before them, they realize that the decisions they make now will not only affect them. Will they be able to find strength amidst their pain and grief? What will they find when they look beyond their tears? Friday 10 April 09, 8.30pm Saturday 11 April 09, 5.00pm Venue: Glad Tidings PJ, No 6 Jalan 13/4, 46200 Petaling Jaya Are you interested? I will be going =D

Sweden passes new gay marriage law

Published: 2 Apr 09 07:42 CET Sweden's parliament passed new legislation by a wide majority on Wednesday that will allow homosexuals to marry in church and civil weddings. Most Swedish pastors willing to wed gay couples (23 Jan 09) Church furor over 'racist' religious group (22 Jan 09) Sweden to allow gay marriage in May (21 Jan 09) The law will come into force on May 1st. " Parliament on Wednesday adopted the bill on a gender-neutral marriage law ," parliament said in a statement. Of 349 members of parliament, 261 voted in favour, 22 were opposed to the proposal, 16 abstained and 50 were absent. In Sweden, heterosexuals can choose to marry in either a civil or religious ceremony, whereas homosexuals have until now only been allowed to register their "partnerships" in a civil ceremony. Civil unions granting gays and lesbians the same legal status as married couples have been allowed under Swedish law since...


Reviewed to my previous writing in blog, From year 2005 (msn blog) till 2009, The style of writing has changed The first 2 years, I like to blog about my daily life, It is full of happiness and hope The recent 2 years, I like to blog about my thought, It tends to gear toward negativity, Full of emotional outburst, I guess, The older we are, the more troubles and worries we posses Perhaps, our cognitive ability is getting mature, abstract and complex, It makes us to think too much?


SIGH I make a mistake, i can't erase How to revert back? SIGH The testimonial that I never share, Why is it put under my said? SIGH The emotion that should be kept, Why is it uncontrollable? SIGH I should be attentive to my studies, Why am I so lazy? SIGH My mind and my heart are not in coherent, Why are they go astray? Focus..back to reality..

April Fool

Today is April Fool Are we supposed to fool others or fool myself? We did all the times Sometimes, we tell a lie to others We gossip about others behind the person We pretend to be nice to someone we don't like Sometimes, we hide our true self in front of others We pretend that we are happy in fact we are not We are weak but have to be strong in front of others It is easier to fool others compared to fool ourselves In fact, perhaps everyday is April Fool Happy April Fool