Why we need requirement? I always require myself so much to the extend that I always want to be compatible or greater than others. It already an inner competition in the battle of my heart. Sometimes, It is healthy because I am striving to achieve good performance in my life. Sometimes, It is unhealthy when you are applying it in the unnecessary stuffs.
My real self is always provokes me to go for higher requirement. I always think that what I have and what I do are always not enough. I am greedy. This attitude is bothering me. Greed is not a good moral value, thus I want to change it. My perceived self is always help me to cover my real self's emotion. In other people eye, I might be mysterious, I might hard to understand, perhaps is me myself don't understand myself.
After so much days of thought, I finally come to this conclusion that - my requirement toward my own self shouldn't be a burden for others. I need to know how to use it properly.
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