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Avatar (2009)

Avatar is a 3D science fiction epic film directed and written by James Cameron, former director of Titanic.

It was a very impressive and entertaining movie. The movie brought out few values that human is portraying and exhibiting.

People from earth are sent by a commercial company to a planet called Pandora to retrieve mineral which cost infinity of wealth. Pandora is a beautiful planet resided by Navi, sentient humanoid race.

Navi are much taller and physically stronger than human. They have bright yellow eyes and blue skin. They stay peacefully and they love every single plants, trees, animals that created by God (Eva).

People destroyed their land without negotiating and notifying. Their cruelness and emotionless action simply show out materialism of human nature.

Aren't we pursue wealthiness? We cut down trees, we destroy forests, we kill animals - we are so called nature killer. We cheat, we steal, we lie and others.

All because of GREEDY

Navi, is the resembles of actualized self. They are peacemaker and environmentalist. They don't need money. They only need respect, calm, and happiness.

Who doesn't want it?

However, some human are sentimental and emotional. They fight for Navi, for nature when others initiated war and danger Navi and Pandora. They are magnifying by the beauty of nature and also life of Navi.

Navi have great spirit and courage. They defense because they want to protect all the non living and living creatures on the land. They never fear of death, and they hold faith to their God.

Religion is just a name. Faith is an essential feeling that we supposed to possess within our soul and heart.

Are we firmly believing in God? Are we only seek for God when we are in crisis?

FAITH, makes us the wealthiest

They are attacked by powerful explosive booms, Navi's only winning point will be they are familiar with the geographical area. They fight fearless, even they are much weaker compared to them.

God answered their prayer, when gigantic trunk animals appeared to help defeat them.

HOPE happens when FAITH takes place

Jake Sully, a paralyzed US marine sent to Pandora and he felt in love with Netriyi, a beautiful Navi lady. He slowly adapts into their culture, and admires their spirit and also starts to appreciate the beauty of nature.

LOVE makes him opens his eyes and discloses his heart.

A worthwhile movie of a year.

The movie storyline is comprehensive and creative
The values portrayed are greatly meaningful
The design of Navi and heavy metal jet and robot are awesome

Hui Ru


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