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Showing posts from July, 2009

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

日日盼望的哈里波特,昨天终于看了,让我如愿以偿。当时,看了预告就非常的兴奋,就想冲着去看。。就当我想看时,看了这部戏的朋友给了我一盆又一盆的冷水,也让我渐渐的对它抱着平常心去欣赏。抱着平常心是好事来的,因为我没有事先评估这部电影,那便能更加的深入了解它要带来的信息。 一向来就是它的书迷,看了书,多多少少都知道故事需要怎样的去发长。混血王子,这一集具体来说应该重点锁在邓不拉多,他是这集的灵魂人物。故事书写的很好,也让我掉下了眼泪,因为邓不拉多的牺牲,是无可厚非的。失望的是,这部戏草率的带过这个重要的环节。他与哈里去寻找灵体,这么重大意义,这电影内就只是“发生了,又怎样”。 故事本来就应该带出哈里与伏地魔之间的交错,在这部电影根本看不到。 Draco, 马份应该有更多的发挥。他被黑魔头指示,成为了其中之会员。他的戏份就好像断断续续这样,没有很大的连贯性,觉得很浪费。他可以展现很坏的一面,在戏里就只是要坏不坏,模糊观众。没看过书的人,应该看了不懂这是什么咚咚。。 混血王子,Snape 在戏里算是小猫的角色。这部戏的名不是叫混血王子吗?哈哈,既然叫这个名,为什么还是小猫的戏份呢?搞不懂,看了就觉得这部戏到底是要讲什么?那一方面是重点?很多的问号。。 撇开这个来说,感情戏也不够细腻。罗恩与格分多之间产生的暧昧,彼此对对方有感情,戏里没有完全表现出来。格妮与哈里,虽然他们有所发展,不过就是没有什么的看头。就只像"观众们,让你们了解青涩的爱就行了,根本没必要知道多多"。 前几集只是注重在破解伏地魔的灵体,这集严格上说,会比较好去发挥,因为穿插了邓不拉多的死,与主角情窦初开的感情戏。都不知道做什么,这部戏只给我感觉好像资金不够,时间不够,演员没心演出,剧本不好等等等。。 书迷看了失望,不是书迷看了也失望,可见的这部戏不怎么好看。也有可能太多集的戏,又需要跟着故事大纲,所以导致没有创意。 戏就应该给观众新鲜感,带给观众刺激,那观众才会去期待续集(如果有)。看了这部,因该让许多观众打断对哈里波特的支持。 还是很高心,看了它。它让我心服口服。如果因为朋友的评语而打消想看的念头,我应该会懊恼。这部戏,有点不值得看。。

Umai-Ya, Japanese Restaurant

Since my sister and I are Japanese food lovers, we decided to eat Japanese food for our dinner after 3 hours trip back from hometown. This restaurant is located nearby her house, around Damansara area, is called Umai -Ya restaurant. This restaurant is surrounded by a lot of bussiness centre, and I think main customers are come from working staffs. The first moment we passed through the entrance, the place is quite dim and both of us assuming that the business is not good because none of the bussiness centre operated at night, thus no working staffs will be having their meal here. I like the logo of the restaurant, especially when the light is on. It appeared positive to me due to the bright color of the wording. Personal bias, I cant help :P. This restaurant will open for 7 days in a week. But, we have to look carefully on the business hour. 2.30pm till 6pm is their break time, so be careful not to visit them during this time. If not, you will have to cancel, and choose another rest...

Health conscious

Received a shocking new that Yasmin Ahmad is admitted to hospital. She was taken to the Intensive Care Unit at the Damansara Specialist Hospital, where she is now on life support and in stable condition. She is still unconscious. Read more from the star The first film that I watched is Talentime produced by her. Previously, I was skeptical to Malaysian production, but she impressed me. Talentime is one of the best film that I watched this year. The story line is so realistic and made me shear tears badly. After that, I started to notice her, and respect her as a great director. Sincerely, I hope that she will recover soon. Life is vulnerable. I m sittting in front of an opened window, a smell of smoke intrudes my nose. The air is polluted, and cause us to feel sufforcation. Looking through facebook, knowing that few friends of mine caught sick, the human immunity seemed getting weaker. Beside that, Malaysia has found first death case of H1N1. Everyone is getting alert again with this d...


爱上minesweeper. 年幼时,超讨厌它,因为我不懂得怎样去闯关。 看到朋友玩,就叫他教我其中的技巧。。 我。。终于会玩了。。虽然不是很厉害。。不过,看到黄色的笑脸,我就很高兴。。 每一步,我都要很小心。。 一不小心,就会踩到地雷。。那么就输了。。 不过,它让我不放弃。。 可能我好胜心强。。我会一直的玩。。直到我成为赢家。。 在我们的人生中。。都存在了许多的地雷。。 我们要懂得闪,插上自己的旗帜,已表示我们经历了这关的考验。。 回顾一下,我的旗帜插的蛮多了。。也显示了我的学业生涯也到了一个段落。。 我会短暂的离开书生的日子。。踏入更加恐怖的社会。。。 迎接更多的地雷生活。。。 加油吧,再过一个月。。我就毕业了。。

Simple Man - Graham Nash

My 200th post, I want to dedicate a song to everyone. I heard this song in facebook posted by my friend, instantly I love it. The song is simple, with a relaxing rythm, plus an awesome lyric. An oldies song - Simple Man by Graham Nash for you all ... I am a simple man so I sing a simple song never been so much in love and never hurt so bad at the same time. I am a simple man and I play a simple tune I wish that I could see you once again across the room like the first time. I just want to hold you I don't want to hold you down I hear what you're saying and you're spinning my head around and I can't make it alone. The ending of the tale is the singing of the song make me proud to be your man only you can make me strong like the last time. I just want to hold you I don't want to hold you down I hear what you're saying and you're spinning my head around and I can't make it alone. I am simple; so I use my simple mind to write simple thing

Awana Trip with Buddies

We ahead to Awana Genting at 8am in the morning, even though only slept for an hour. The purpose is not for leisure, we went due to club commitment. We were invited to join our buddy - Wai Keen birthday celebration in Awana Genting. The accomodation was free, sponsored by his parents. We got free meal as well sponsored by parents too. Excitingly, we departed from 1 utama, with a total of 10 buddies. Finally, we realised that task to handle buddies is not so easy, but is challenging. We need to have a good memory to remember all of their name, if not is hard for us to supervise them. They have strong curiosity, but one thing I admitted that actually they are quite well-disciplined unless there is something seemed attractive to them. Looking at my steps on the field in front of the condo, I was in a calm mood. Mingles around with a bunch of cute buddies, sometimes I felt glad, sometimes I felt a bit irritated. This time, I went with my own emotional bandage. I can't fully pay attenti...

Dad & Mum

Dad & Mum - I miss you Homesick has intruded my heart Coz I know home is my only comfort zone I want to flight for this moment At home, I got mummy she makes coffee for me during breakfast and tea-time because her made coffee is the best she cooks nice food for me especially fish because she knows that I can't eat well here she doesn't wake me up early morning because she knows that I m tired of studies she brings me to shopping centre because she wants to buy me whatever things that I need I got daddy to fetch him and mum to go to sis house every Saturday night to help him tend the shop for a while to see him happy when he won a lottery I wanna back home I dislike to stay here Next week, I will be back I m highly emotional

I am the Vine, you are the Branches

I am the vine, you are the branches - John 15:5 Due to my addiction in Facebook, here is another post related to facebook. I m a curious creature, and also a psychology major, so you can predict that I like psychological testing. I don't care whether is accurate or not, but sometimes the result is quite pleasant and appealing to me. Recently, I played one of the test. The result is I am the Vine, you are the branches. I was impressed and fascinated by the result. By answering those few questions, how come they know which bible sentence is representing you? Why i said so, is because this is what I always pray for. I always want to be servant of God. I believe I am the creation of God. I want God to use me for my talent and ability. I wish what I am involving now is what God wants me to do. I hope that I could impact on other people' lives, and also inspire others through my characteristic. I m glad that I have been given a chance to be a director of Best Buddies. This program al...


锁在房间里,自己一个人的空间。。 享受着自己的气味。。 房间,是我逃避的避难所。。 小时候,我会在黑漆漆的房间哭泣。。 让眼泪自由的掉落, 不敢痛快地哭,因为会被骂。。 会把自己藏在被单里默默的哭泣 所以,只有我的床能够感觉到温温的湿度。。 也许,这是从小养成的习惯, 长大了,还是觉得房间是我的私人空间。。 因为,房间才能让我把情绪抒发。。 特别是负面的情绪。。 现在,有股冲动, 不想出门,只想待在房间里。。 就算发呆。。 我想,与世隔绝。。 只是与亲近的人联络。。 逃避自己。。 不想面对自己。。

Science and God

"If someone doesn't express love, is it meant that the person doesn't love or care about the other party?" It relates to if we can't see God, is it meant that god does not exist? The passage below, I personally assumed that it is very insightful and meaningful. Share with you all. Science and God ‘Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.’ The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand. ‘You’re a Christian, aren’t you, son?’ ‘Yes sir,’ the student says. ‘So you believe in God?’ ‘Absolutely.’ ‘Is God good?’ ‘Sure! God’s good.’ ‘Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Are you good or evil?’ ‘The Bible says I’m evil.’ The professor grins knowingly. ‘Aha! The Bible!’ He considers for a moment. ‘Here’s one for you. Let’s say there’s a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?’ ‘Yes sir, I would.’ ‘So you’re good…!’ ...

Who I trusted the most ?

Once in those days, I played personality test in facebook. "Who you trusted the most" multiple answers question was adopted. I chose God. Yes, I trust God the most. I will never be judged by God. God loves everyone regardless of skin color, race, personality and etc. God gives us a gift that make us unique. God forms us to have certain traits and talents. I want to be used by God through my gift. God love me regardless of who am I. Human will have the feeling of hatred, resentment, disappointment, anger and etc, thus we put our evaluation on the other person, and make a decision of love or hate. We have limit, and we can't love everyone. Hence, altruistic love is extremely slim. Because of God, I know that I am loved no matter what. God allows temptation and challenges. We have been tested under different circumstances. But, God never leave and abandon us. Perhaps, we have been betrayed and cheated, but we still can lean on God. God teaches me good moral values. Humanity...

Dream about horse with blood scars

Last night, I slept at 10.12pm due to my exhaustion after assignment and kite flying trip. I thought I could sleep very soundly, but I woke up few times in the middle of the night. Few dreams I could remember, but this one is vividly in my memory till now. First time, I dreamt about something awkward. I saw a white horse in a big van, he was put in a cage. It happened in front of my grandma house. That time, I exchanged my handphone with my cousin, and tried to learn all the fuctions in the hp from him. When the time I diverted my attention to the van, the horse was put on the street. But, his body got 2 blood scars, which would cause the horse pieced into 3 pieces. The horse still able to walk, and 1 person ride on him. I thought of blog it, thus I tried to take photo of that special horse. But, I did not know how to use the new hp, I tried new times still not able to shoot a nice photo. I sat down, and asked my cousin taught me how to use quickly. The horse still alive. People around...

You are not alone

MJ - Rest In Peace; have been printed in my memory for quite a long time already. The moment he passed away from heart attack, the newspapers, the TV channel, the blogs, the celebrities - everyone use different way to pay condolence on him. Honest speaking, I did not know much about him; I know him only since young people around me have been telling me that he went for plastic surgery. This is the only memory that I have. After his death, finally realized that MJ indeed a King of Pop that gained so much of reputation, love, admiral, from his fans. His fans are not only normal people like us, even involving politicians, singers, celebrities and others. Yes, he created an impact. Either good or bad, he is still the public attention. Here I am to post a song of him, which I love "You Are Not Alone" Another day has gone I'm still all alone How could this be You're not here with me You never said goodbye Someone tell me why Did you have to go And leave my world so cold Eve...


最近,出现了一则童话故事的报道。只需要阿拉丁,就能许愿得到豪宅;只需要是王子,就能坐享荣华富贵;或许,魔幻世界也不错,哈利泼特绝对能帮到你。。原来,这些童话故事是有根据的。难怪,童话故事还是最佳儿童读物,让小孩们能够幻想,然后把梦想成真。 没有幻想,何来梦想呢?我们应该多幻想,并且向那些童话故事的主角致敬。。 所以,多看华语报章-真的让我获益匪浅。。最让我看的痛快,滑稽的文章就是来之林明华。。 在此,向大家分享一下。。 文章如下: 豪宅拍賣,底價400萬,欲購從速,以免向隅! 面積:5萬2221平方呎(像你們這些只有中學程度的人,沒有深厚的數學根底,是無法想像其大的。給你們一個更具體的概念吧:它大如一座足球場,11座籃球場,或者32個羽毛球場。怎麼樣,夠大吧?)。 地點:雪州沙亞南第7區(像你們這些只有中學程度的人,沒有很好的地理概念,是無法找到其跡的。給你們一個更清晰的概念吧:它位於山坡下,山明景秀,樹影婆娑,宛如世外桃源。怎麼樣,夠隱密吧?)。 建築特色:峇厘風情(像你們這些只有中學程度的人,沒有基本的審美觀,是無法領略其美的。給你們一個最浪漫的視角吧:莊園式的建築群、斜頂式的屋頂、自然色的屋瓦、爪哇島的石刻、峇厘式的大門,處處原始,景景如畫。怎麼樣,夠品味吧?)。 附加設施:宮殿式建設(像你們這些只有中學程度的人,沒有甚麼理財知識,是無法估算其價的。給你們一個最不必想像的空間吧:泳池、祈禱室、遊樂園、29萬打造的峇厘式大門,樣樣俱全。怎麼樣,比起那500萬打造的查氏皇宮,夠格吧?)。 真正價值:看你信誰(像你們這些只有中學程度的人,我還是把話說清楚一點好。價值,要看你們聽誰的?如果是屋主,那加上“只”50萬令吉的裝修費,就只值400萬令吉;如果你們硬是要去相信那個只有中六程度、而且帶有不可告人的議程目的的人,說它價值2800萬令吉,我也無話可說)。 但是哦,恕我直言,也“怒”我直言,你們這些只有中學程度的人,最好不要人云亦云,不懂裝懂;否則,屋主會告你們,告到你們脫褲為止! 我還要請大家搞清楚,屋主是屋主,老查是老查,請不要把兩人扯在一起好不好?老查算是甚麼東西,不過是一個死了的州議員而已,而這座豪宅的屋主,可曾是他的上司,而且曾是堂堂的一州之 首。老查,還差得遠呢! 最後,奉勸大家,千萬千萬不要未審先判,應該先去讀一讀銀行貨款條例;還有哦,如...

Pay it Forward

Today, here I am to share a movie which released at the year of 2000. What has made me to blog about this movie due to its altruistic concept of helping others. It won few academic award, the story mostly mingled around 3 main characters - Kevin Spacey as a social studies teacher, Helen Hunt is Trevor mum who fall in love with Kevin Spacey in the movie, and last but most important character, Haley Joel Osment acted as Trevor who ambitiously came out the concept of Pay it Forward. Think of an idea that can change the world and put it into action - An assignment given by his social studies teacher, Mr Simone. His purpose is to generate those kids (middle sch) mind, and only want to hear "what is the world meant to them?" But, Trevor takes the words, and takes action. Trevor comes out a concept called Pay It Forward. He has to help 3 people Requirements: 1. The person needs help 2. The person cant help themselves 3. The person who receives help, has to help another 3 people He g...

Love me for a reson - Boyzone

A very old song to share with everyone. I got to listen in Red Fm, and I am indulged by a sentence. I found it very meaningful Love me for a reason, let the reason for love I love this sentence..It is simple yet deeply emotional. Love is the greatest of all. If you love a person, you can be selfless for that person. Show your love to the people you love now.. Let's listen the song, and recall our youth's song .. Girl when you hold me How you control me You bend and you fold me Any way you please It must be easy for you To love the things that you do But just a pastime for you I could never be And I never know girl If I should stay or go Cos the games that you play Are driving me away... Don't love me for fun girl Let me be the one girl Love Me For a Reason Let the reason be love Don't love me for fun, girl Let me be the one, girl Love Me For a Reason Let the reason be love Kisses and caresses Are only minor tests, babe Of love turned to stresses Between a woman and a ...

Mind mind sitting on the fence?

Few days did not blog, due to my assignment submission. The assignment topic is what is mind? I struggled a lot in writing this, as a psychology major, I wondered why things are always so ambiguous. When searching for articles, I came across an article written by a sociologist. He criticized psychologists, philosophers and others who always invented their own theories of mind, and always leave a question for the public to answer. It caused the debate on-going. It seemed unnecessary for him, because those arguments confused people. Mind indeed sophisticated, the more I wanna seek for the idea of mind, the harder I could find to support those idea. Idea is also could be considered as inference thought. No empirical investigation, but found those different theories of mind which also subjective. I almost gave up to complete this assignment. When i am not familiar with this topic, my attention span is low. Thus, I got no intention to do it well, and I am not committed to stay awake till th...