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Showing posts from December, 2009

Dreamt about Ghost ?

(新加坡)14岁女生被“鬼缠”,1年多频频梦见白衣女鬼,心理医生给她吃药“驱邪”。 女生申诉,过去1年,她平均每週有三、四晚,都梦见一个身穿白衣的长发女鬼,瞪著大眼睛出现在她的梦中,每次被惊醒后,全身冒冷汗,辗转难眠。 康生医院心理精神专科黄坤福分析上述个案时说,女生的心魔是来自日常生活的压力。原来,女生从小就常常被父母责打,加上长大后成绩不好,父母开始干涉她交友,对她管教严厉﹔女生认为父母討厌她。 来自父母、学业等的压力,导致女生患上轻微的抑郁症,出现不寻常的举止,父母带她看心理医生。 经过约3个月的药物治疗和约1年半的心理治疗后,女生才走出抑郁症的阴霾,不再梦见女鬼。 黄医生表示,所谓日有所思,夜有所梦,在人们生活中引起烦恼、害怕的事物,可以另一种形式出现在梦中。由於鬼是女生所害怕的形象,因此生活中挥之不去的压力就转换成梦中的鬼纠缠著她。 “梦中的一些形象或有象徵意义,可代表某种心理情况,不过这些形象的意义会因人而异。除了形象,我们也要瞭解整个梦境,才能从中做出一些导致这些梦境的假设,进行治疗,这和叫小朋友画画,並分析这些画的道理是一样的。” 精神科医生康沈源说:“对於鬼怪这类梦,解决的方法,是当事人所相信造成梦的根源是甚么,並以当事人相信可解决的方法消除问题根源。” 你知道吗? 梦中的鬼有含义 每个人都有梦见鬼的经验,原来梦中的鬼也有含义: 白衣女鬼: 代表孤独而缺乏生命力。 淹死鬼︰ 代表沉溺、情感无法自拔。 僵尸︰ 对感情冷漠而麻木。 骷髏鬼︰ 情感极度缺乏。 厉鬼︰ 压抑愤怒情绪的表现。 吊死鬼︰ 不敢面对和表达內心阴暗的东西。 文章分享。。对我们对心理学的人就有职业病。。赫赫。。


一句的“可以帮我一件事吗?” 从要求者的口中,很容易因为他只认为是举手之劳,简单没什么问题的 被要求者,个人就比较的随便,可以的话就尽量的帮到底。。 一而再在而三的,重复的听到同一句话。。 开始不胜其烦。。。 这个叫得寸进尺,还是渐渐的有利用对方的成分? 帮助一个人,不是胡乱或盲目的去帮 要看对方需不需要,或对与错 例如:你借钱给一个挥霍的人,或借钱给一个三餐不温饱的人。。 哪一个应该帮呢? 助人为快乐之本,从小就被灌输的道德观念 长大了,就懂得转变。。 需要保护,也需要付出。。

What is Psychology ?

" What course are you studying?" " Psychology" "Walao eh..then you can read my mind la?" "Huh..not actually.." A misconception about psychology occurs in the societal context. I has been given the same answer repeatedly whenever I was asked what is psychology about. I am honored of human's curiosity and admiration toward psychology. However, I also realized people are unaware of what is psychology about and have a myth toward psychology. I don't know why I have a sudden urge to share this information right now. Perhaps, I was expected by people to know PEOPLE better. I found it a bit disturbed or I could say emotional. I am willing to help, but I am not expected to help. First and foremost, what is psychology? According to American Psychological Association (APA), psychology is a scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. The British Psychological Society defines p sychology is the scientific study of people, mind and behav...

What is Christmas all about?

According to , You’re all set for Christmas. The stockings are up, the Christmas tree is decorated, and everyone has a present under the tree. You’ve picked out Christmas candy, the ham is in the freezer, and you’re ready for the big day. As you head up stairs to bed on Christmas Eve Mom asks you, “Did you leave the milk and cookies out for Santa?” And yes, even that’s taken care of. But are you missing something? What does Christmas really mean? Is it all about getting presents and eating candy canes and waiting up for Santa Claus? The word “Christmas” gives us some hints about what Christmas was originally about. It started off with the birth of Jesus Christ, over two thousand years ago in the country of Israel. Jesus’ birth is very important to Christians around the world who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. They celebrate Christmas like a big birthday party. That’s why they give gifts to each other, because Jesus was born on ...

Merry Christmas

Received a hand-made Christmas card from my niece, Allison ( card by my sister, but greeting is from her ) Allison, already 1 year old plus. She likes to smile :) She afraid of me nowadays. The reason is my sister always use my name when she wanted to stop Allison from doing something. My name has spoiled by her. I need to try harder to make her secure with me again T.T Thanks for the greeting. Very sweet and nice


我很想吃汤圆 每一年,我都会搓呀搓 妈妈也一定每一年都希望我回去过冬至 今年,我没有故乡的怀抱 也没有妈妈的甜心 孤独寂寞的怀念 从来不应节的人 就不会感受这股的失落

Avatar (2009)

Avatar is a 3D science fiction epic film directed and written by James Cameron, former director of Titanic. It was a very impressive and entertaining movie. The movie brought out few values that human is portraying and exhibiting. People from earth are sent by a commercial company to a planet called Pandora to retrieve mineral which cost infinity of wealth. Pandora is a beautiful planet resided by Navi, sentient humanoid race. Navi are much taller and physically stronger than human. They have bright yellow eyes and blue skin. They stay peacefully and they love every single plants, trees, animals that created by God (Eva). People destroyed their land without negotiating and notifying. Their cruelness and emotionless action simply show out materialism of human nature. Aren't we pursue wealthiness? We cut down trees, we destroy forests, we kill animals - we are so called nature killer. We cheat, we steal, we lie and others. All because of GREEDY Navi, is the resembles of actualized ...

The Effect of Red and Blue Color

Readers Digest Nov 09 has published an article called "Seeing red could be good". The article mentioned that how color affect our performance. Below are the exact article: Psychologists have long debated the effect of colour on performance. But the impact may depend on the nature of the task, with red the most effective at enhancing attention to detail and blue the best at boosting creativity Enhancing ATTENTION to detail Boosting CREATIVITY Thanks to an association with danger and caution, red makes us more vigilant , says a new Canadian study. Conversely, blue encourages us to think outside the box as it represents peace and openness. The upshot: need to concentrate on the finer points? Find a red room or use a red background on your computer. Want to brainstorm? Then choose a blue background.

Mum's Place, Bandar Damansara Perdana

Damansara Perdana, I found that this area has quite a number of nice restaurants. Mum's Place is one of them. This restaurant is special, because all the furniture they used for restaurant you can buy it from them. They also a furniture shop. They serve Asian and Portuguese cuisine. If you are spicy lover, you can try their Portuguese dishes, super spicy and your taste bud will really reach the climax. They also have non spicy dishes, which also very lovely and delicious. They deserved best of the name, Mum's place. All are mum's cooking, very homey too. Apart from that, their setting is pretty much like Indonesia or Vietnam restaurant. They used wood materials for all the decorations. Very authentic,traditional and classic. All the dishes that we took, are awesome! Deep Fried Bawal Hitam (Pomfret) with Ginger Beancurd with Petola Smoked Chicken with Thousand Island Dip Fried Kuey Teow Daun Keledek Udang Galah with Yee Mee Otak-otak Cubes They provide catering service too...

Deutsches Gasthaus, Damansara Perdana

Deustsches Gasthaus, a Germany fine cuisine restaurant which is non-halal as they serve pork and alcohol. My sister strongly recommended this whenever we passed by. I was attracted by the setting of the restaurant. It is pretty much westernized, and I really felt I was in a Europe bar or lounge. Haha, perhaps I am a bit exaggerated, but I love to have meal in this kind of setting if it is quiet. We went during noon time, thus we were really enjoyed the quietness of this restaurant. Looking at the menu, I was attracted to this mock tail, called Virgin Mary. No more hesitation, I made an order. I regretted badly to order it. The taste is just like tomato spaghetti sauce, with a little bit of spiciness. I m sorry for not appreciating it, but it is really awful. Their menu has divided the spaghetti dishes into few categories such as tomato source, olive oil, creams and others. It made customers easier to make a choice. The portion is kind of big, could be shared by 2. We ordered this di...

花木兰 Mulan

花木兰,家喻户晓的名字;她,代父从军,为魏国效忠,为父敬孝道; 女儿生,却比男儿刚强,勇闯直前,封为了花将军 女人,感情洋溢 - “战场上,不容许有任何的情感”,花木兰却陷入感情束缚中。。。 她,一滴一滴的泪水;为了战场牺牲的将士;她,厌恨战争。。。 她,一蹶不振。死死伤伤,血流遍地。。 “人,没有权利停止战争;只能用生命去大战,希望换来百姓的安乐” 她领悟了,换来了大家的肝胆相照,拼命护国 “有国,才有家” 她,冲锋上阵,代表着她一心保护着她的将士 情感再也没让她冲动,反而让她无私地为大局着想 除了战争,爱情并共存;文泰与木兰相爱 互爱,互牺牲,互付出,却换来了无缘的结局 为了停止柔国与魏国的干戈,与百姓的安宁 文泰(七王子)与柔国公主完婚,木兰安然拒绝官职,回乡陪父 故事的架构,很不错 少了轰轰烈烈,战争的效果欠缺 淡淡的兄弟情怀,共患难 精彩的对白,却少了每个情节完整的呈现 爱情的付出,不够刻苦铭心 唯独将士的牺牲,吟唱壮士卫国牺牲的歌,感捍我的心 以平常心欣赏,就没有太多的要求 大家都走宝,因为电影完了,没留下来欣赏花木兰的主题曲和插曲 句句歌词,都诠释了故事 主题曲 - 木兰情 作曲:李偲菘 作詞:易家揚 我看的見雲在天上混亂的飛 我聽的見滾滾沙場埋一滴淚 這是誰的沙漠 我忘了我是誰 又是誰 讓這天灰 醒在黑山睡在黃河風吹往北 昨日故鄉東市駿馬在等著誰 鐵衣下的你我 從患難到心碎 我問天 是白是黑 一顆心葬了幾滴淚 一生情背我往前飛 記住這天地中的美 滄海世界 一眼成灰 我想喝家裏的井水 卻吞下生死的滋味 就讓我敬往事一杯 對自己說 絕不後退 插曲 - 木兰星 作詞:易家揚 作曲:李偉菘 演唱:張靚穎 這世界好寬 讓孤獨好慢 荒野上的狼 他為誰流浪 寂寞是種藍 往我心裡鑽 聽見自己喊 看看天上 於是我剪下了月光 射向我老家的地方 夜黑的就像墨一樣 哪顆星名字叫木蘭 讓我把回憶當晚餐 吞下這許多年的酸 愛恨是掌心的沙漠 故事被點了穴遺忘 多年前我披著時間 逆著風走過燕然山