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Showing posts from May, 2009

Spell or Hallucination

If you know a person, She claimed that "the maid put the spell on my family, at night a small boy will bite my foot, when I kick him away and I heard the sound of crying. Apart from that, she is mumbling at night. My daughter started to speak rudely to me, and did not call me as mother anymore. She moved back to her own house. My husband, he started to scold me in Malay, and also instructed the maid to beat grandsons. Everyone is sided the maid" No one is believing what she said. Her children claimed that she is just hallucination. She is just thinking too much because of her experience in stroke. After she got a stroke, things started to change. Her family did not treat her well. What is your advice? Is the maid put the spell on her family? Is she just thinking too much?

常做白日梦 更能解决问题

(联合早报网讯)台湾联合新闻网报道,以后别再随便骂人“做白日梦”了! 生活科学网站(报导,做白日梦向来被视为偷懒的表现,其实胡思乱想能让脑部职司解决问题的部位变得较活跃。 1 m' k; L7 e% }' X" a1 \MUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学研究人员把受试者送进功能性磁核共振成像技术(fMRI)扫描器,让他们在萤幕出现数字时进行简单的例行按钮动作。研究人员透过脑部扫描、受测者的主动报告和按钮表现,随时追踪他们注意力集中状况。 0 b6 N+ B3 R o3 T2 a$ j' X麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区| 科学家向来认为脑部与执行例行简单心智活动有关的“预设网络”,是脑部神游太虚时仍保持活跃的唯一部分。但是,新研究却发现脑部在胡思乱想时,与高层次和复杂的解决问题功能有关的“执行网络”也会亮起来。 p/s: 所以做白日梦。。是有好处的。。看了,觉得莫名其妙。。做白日梦,怎样能让自己的脑活跃呢?那就要问问,那些哲学家,研究家,分析家,等等。。是不是都很会胡思乱想?所以,胡思乱想是不可停止的咯。。


从前有一位 小天使 ,她 很喜欢 帮助人,用自己的法术来 满足 世人的 欲望 ,借此去感受她曾帮助过的人身上散发出的 幸福 气味。 * P- S0 h" i; S! R+ q( H5 Y m 麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区|! o- Z2 o, Q( M 有一天,小天使遇见一位诗人,他年轻、英俊、有才华、富有还有一位很漂亮的妻子,可是他依然 不开心 ,要求小天使帮忙, 希望 小天使带点幸福给他。 . M6 M* W3 V. E , F1 ~2 g' X& w) a- K) S 小天使想了很久,想到一个办法去帮助这位诗人,你们知道是什么办法吗?其实小天使并没有带给他什么,而是将他所 拥有 的东西全部变走,半个月后,小天使去找那位诗人,他已经变得很潦倒,接着小天使把诗人原来拥有的东西变还给他,再过了半个月, / B' _5 b( } }: w) gMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区|. R) w: [, C$ ?2 `$ D0 h; Q 小天使去看望那个诗人,诗人很感谢小天使带给他的幸福。 麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件) c* f) Z F6 E* i% m, H3 I : S/ R" r* o. S$ w! pMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 人其实很奇怪,往往要 失去 了才 懂得珍惜 ,其实幸福很多时候已经在眼前了,幸福根本就没有什么定义,往往在 生活中 的一些小事也会触动 你的心灵 ,幸不幸福其实主要是在乎你的心怎么去看待,想要拥有幸福就要懂得珍惜,珍惜眼前的一切…… ************************************************************************************ 珍惜与亲人相聚的每一分,每一秒。。(今天是公公的86岁生日,光阴似箭。。白发苍苍的他还很健壮的活着。。热闹的欢唱生日歌,让大家同聚一堂。。阿公,寿比南山) 珍惜别人的付出。。没有别人,也许就没有今天的你。。 珍惜每一次我受伤的机会,让我更加领悟人生。。。还有等等等。。。 这个部落格。。总是成为我发表感言的媒介。。用我的私人空间,告诉大家我要表达...


以前听王明志的作品,有首歌叙述麻坡浓浓的人情味,他觉得麻坡总是让人舒服,故乡是最好的。。 本人辟有同感。。不过,并没有真的能够感受那份对麻坡的深厚感情。。 我想,我渐渐的发现。。 去了麻坡中化中学,为了我的终极功课,为了见校长,寻求他人的批准在贵校执行问卷调查。。 辅导老师。。没有一点的架子。。还带我去见校长。。 一向来,我对校长的看法就是-严肃,拘谨, 这回,我跌破我的眼镜。。 这位校长和蔼可亲,尽量配合我的要求。。。 虽然,他还没答应我的请求,不过能够碰上这样好的校长。。让我打开眼界。。 这间学校,让我感受人情味。。。 人,处处靠人情。。 我,从来没事不登三宝殿,回去探望补习老师就是有目的的。。。 我9年的好友,陪着我处处跑,没有任何的怨言。。 我,靠着我的堂表兄妹,成为我的导游,带我去他们的学校。。 我,靠着朋友的弟弟妹妹,帮我做我的初步问卷。。 都是人情。。。 丧失这些的人情, 我就会坎坷。。 衷心感谢。。 越来越懂得去珍惜。。


安多芬 (Endorphin)又稱內生性嗎啡、腦內嗎啡 ; 是由兩個字組成的,「endo」是內在的意思,「orphin」即嗎啡類物品。 是人體一組十分重要的化學份子,由疼痛、壓力、情緒的刺激而產生, 能調節腦下腺荷爾蒙(pituitary hormones)的分泌, 具有類似嗎啡(morphine)的結構與作用,止痛效果比嗎啡強50-100倍, 運動與某些食物(如。巧克力)能刺激腦部產生安多芬,進而造成近似嗎啡作用的舒適感; 是一種可以使人 心情愉快、安詳、和諧及自癒力 的激素。 在报纸上看到,就想与大家分享。。。如果,情绪有些不协调。。也许去跑跑步或吃吃巧克力真的可以达到以上效果哦。。 天然的“毒品”,不需要靠吗啡。。哈哈。。


Feeling the love from friends, seem so real and warmth If I need help, friends are there to offer their help without I m asking from... If I am emotional, friends always ask me "How are you”... If I hang out with friends, they always bring joys and laughter to my day... If I listen to my friends voice, I feel calm and forget the unhappiness... If I say I am sad, friends are lending their ears for me... and many more... Everyday, I face new challenges... My mood could be swinging from positive to negative unexpectedly... Perhaps, I will be mood down out of the blue moon... But, I never alone... I am so those friends that really regard me as a good friend... Thank you so much... I appreciate who you are =D


咖啡的香味很浓郁。。飘来一阵阵的咖啡香,非常的享受。。 咖啡可以让一个人无法抗拒,被俘虏。。。 被俘虏的感觉,就像失去自己。。无咖啡。。无生命。。。 咖啡让人上瘾。。咖啡让人陶醉。。。咖啡是毒。。。 人可以超爱它,也可以让人远离100尺。。。 今天的咖啡,失去让我享受的意义。。。 当上瘾了,就算没意义。。也会喝他一口。。就变成了一个习惯。。。 没情绪的喝,也许是另一般的风味。。。
心灵可以一碰就啐,只要对中下药,这怎样的坚强都会有脆弱的一面。。 一时的心中澎湃。。转化成泪水。。泪水变成了傻笑。。傻笑变成了无言以对。。。 再也不想去思考。。宁静的夜晚。。是最好的陪衬品。。。也是只是逃避。。。


Exclusion from people, is pitiful. It feels like a heavy hand slaps on your face, yet you can't make any noise from it. Is it because you are the only one being excluded? You are being excluded, what is the reason? If you are not guilty, why you did not defense yourself? If you are good, why you will be excluded? Then why people want to eliminate another person from a group? You won't feel bad when you did that to someone you know? What is the reason that you excluded the person? Your reason could be justified, but do everyone reserve 2nd chance? Forgiveness is a virtue. To be in a group, we can't always go with our preference. In a group, there is always social loafing involved. How you deal with a group is a crucial stage to reduce social loafing. The person could do well in A group, why can't perform well in B group? If you already identify that the person doesnt produce a good work, why can't you rectify the problem before everything is done? It is always hard t...


小学时,上过一次报纸-就是中国报。 哪知道,大学了,又是中国报。。。 哈哈。。缘分。。。 (其他报纸也有,不过并没有访问) 妈妈吓了一跳,以为我出什么的事。。本来不想告诉他,不过还是说的好。。 请点击: 高兴之外,也知道是一个责任。要做得好,要努力。谢谢,中国报哦。。

Angels are Demons ?

Angels and Demons - is angel really a good one, or demon also could be a good one? Who named them angels and demons? In the movie, a presentable or seemed good character person could be regarded as angel; a killer or destroyer is said to be a demon. Sometimes, good is just lie within bad. Thus an angel is just a demon. Don't judge people by their cover - is true. In the movie, a "hero" who tried to save all the citizens in the city reserved a respect and applause from the public. Thus, when the truth revealed, he was the one planned to destroyed the city due to authority and power. He killed himself in the fire to retain his dignity. A killer who being ordered to kill 4 potential pope. He seemed like a cruel and emotionless killer. But he did not portray that he did it willingly. He wasn't want to be in sin, but he has to. He did not kill other when he did not order to. He seemed bad, but he has certain aspect of morality. There is no perfect good or bad. This movie ...

Sunset Evening with Rainbow

Today indeed a very hot day. The weather is like an oven. But, we are all not bread, why want to burn us? haha..but, in this evening, the sunset sky has amazed me. It is very beautiful. and, weirdly there is rainbow. I wondered there is no rain today, why there is rainbow on the sky? but, it is beautiful..hehe.. Photos were taken using my handphone. =D

Speaking in Tongue 讲方言

一直我很感兴趣的话题,我所探讨的答案。。无意间,有了些头绪。。。 哥林多前书 第14章 讲述了讲方言的定义与用意 人能说方言是有恩赐的表现,哥林多教会为何担心? 14:2 哥林多教会非常关注“说方言”的问题,因为它引起了敬拜中的混乱。无疑说方言是圣灵赐下的恩赐之一,但哥林多教会的信徒却以它作为灵性高超的标志,失去了促进教会合一的意义。正确运用恩赐来帮助信徒,才是有益的。我们切不可按自己的喜好来乱用恩赐。 保罗对这说方言的事情有一些意见,且听听…… 14:2-25 保罗就说方言的问题提出了以下的看法: (1)它是神赐下的属灵恩赐(14:2); (2)尽管它不是我们信仰所必须的,但也是很有价值 的恩赐(12:28-31); (3) 相对于先知和教导的恩赐,它较为次要 (14:4)。 虽然保罗自己也说方言,他强调的只是先知讲道,因为它对全教会都有 好处;而说方言基本上只是为说的人带来益处。 公开敬拜必须用众人都能够明白的语言进行 ,造就全教会。 如果别人听不明,我就宁放弃自己的好处──这是保罗的意见,你的呢? 14:5-12 保罗指出, 以听众的语言来传讲信息会更有效果,更能造就人 。世界上有许多种语(14:10),讲不同语言的人很难互相沟通,讲方言也是 这样。虽然这个恩赐对于许多人在个人敬拜时很有帮助,但只有加上翻译,才对会众有帮助。所以保罗说,他宁愿讲五句听众可以明白的话,胜过讲万句他们不明白 的方言(14:19)。 讲方言,也可以使别人得到造就,只要…… 14:13-20 如果有人 拥有讲方言的恩赐,他应该同样祈求翻译方言的恩赐 ,以至他可以告诉别人他讲的是什么。这样,全教会就可以藉这个恩赐而得到造就。 讲方言也是一种接触非信徒的方法,那方法是…… 14:22-25 哥林多信徒说方言,对别人没有帮助,因为他们不能明白方言的意思,而非信徒甚至认为讲方言的人是癫狂的。其实说方言应是给不信者的 一个证据(参徒2章)。 当说了方言之后,信徒应该解释方言的内容 ,并将荣耀归给神。非信徒因此便觉察到属灵世界的真实性,并且促使他们进一步寻求基督信 仰。不过这虽是接触非信徒的方式之一,但 保罗仍然认为讲道更加好 (14:5)。 资料来源


怎麼去拥有 一道彩虹 怎麼去拥抱 一夏天的风 天上的星星 笑地上的人 总是不能懂 不能知道足够 如果我爱上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼拥有 如果你快乐 不是为我 会不会放手 其实才是拥有 当一阵风吹来 风筝飞上天空 为了你而祈祷 而祝福 而感动 终於你身影 消失在人海尽头 才发现 笑著哭 最痛 那天你和我 那个山丘 那样的唱著 那一年的歌 那样的回忆 那麼足够 足够我天天 都品嚐著寂寞 当一阵风吹来 风筝飞上天空 为了你而祈祷 而祝福 而感动 终於你身影 消失在人海尽头 才发现 笑著哭 最痛 如果我爱上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼拥有 如果你快乐 不是为我 会不会放手 其实才是拥有 知足的快乐 叫我忍受心痛 知足的快乐 叫我忍受心痛
痛苦, 是抽象,也是具体 抽象的表态是无法从外在见证 具体却显现了你的痛楚与脆弱 当抽象的痛越陷越深,具体的状态也会开始有状况 抽象与具体的火花,将痛苦带入了更高的境界 具体的呈现越较明显,抽象的征兆全全被发挥了。。。

I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders

Oh, why you look so sad? Tears are in your eyes Come on and come to me now Don't be ashamed to cry Let me see you through cause Ive seen the dark side too When the night falls on you You don't know what to do Nothing you confess Could make me love you less Ill stand by you Ill stand by you Wont let nobody hurt you Ill stand by you So if you're mad, get mad Don't hold it all inside Come on and talk to me now Hey, what you got to hide? I get angry too Well I'm a lot like you When you're standing at the crossroads And don't know which path to choose Let me come along cause even if you're wrong Ill stand by you Ill stand by you Wont let nobody hurt you Ill stand by you Take me in, into your darkest hour And Ill never desert you Ill stand by you And when... When the night falls on you, baby You're feeling all alone You wont be on your own Ill stand by you Ill stand by you Wont let nobody hurt you Ill stand by you Take me in, into your darkest hour And Ill...

Interpersonal Conflict

Never regret of what you have said, because there is no turning back. When you decided to pour out everything, and you have done it. There is no point to struggle about it. Up to the point, you only can wait for the other person to response. Good or bad you have to accept it. The process of waiting is suffering when you keep wondering about how the other person thinks about it. When you try to stop thinking about it, but the thought just can't take out from your mind. At this point, keeping yourself busy is the way to distract your thought and occupy yourself with another thing. Why when you know that the thing that you had said might cause unpleasant to the other person, you still say it out? I guess is because your relationship with that person is already up to the point that hard to hide from each other. You used to be so frank with that person, and that person is already expert in detecting your emotion. So, you have to say it. What will happen next is an infinity answer. You ...


Why we need requirement? I always require myself so much to the extend that I always want to be compatible or greater than others. It already an inner competition in the battle of my heart. Sometimes, It is healthy because I am striving to achieve good performance in my life. Sometimes, It is unhealthy when you are applying it in the unnecessary stuffs. My real self is always provokes me to go for higher requirement. I always think that what I have and what I do are always not enough. I am greedy. This attitude is bothering me. Greed is not a good moral value, thus I want to change it. My perceived self is always help me to cover my real self's emotion. In other people eye, I might be mysterious, I might hard to understand, perhaps is me myself don't understand myself. After so much days of thought, I finally come to this conclusion that - my requirement toward my own self shouldn't be a burden for others. I need to know how to use it properly.


Departure from Muar to Kluang, it only takes about 1 and half hour. Not really far. Kluang is just like a smaller version of KL. It is quite a developed place compared to Muar. I got attracted to Kluang is due to my friend's house. Haha..Her house could be my dream house later on. It is so nice that they brought us to Ayer Hitam to eat "Big Bun" after we went to the tropical village. This place is kind of deserted already, but it is still meaningful to go. Too bad, the weather is killing us, if not I think we will hang out there longer. Here we could see different countries statue and its history. On the way to eat big bun, there is a street wholeselling bear bear. It catches our eye. I love the desserts there. haha..It is a MUST to drink desserts in Kluang. Then, I love the beaf noodles. It tasted so nice, the beef does not has smell, and it is soft. haha Thanks to her parents give us accomodation, and also cooked dinner and lunch for us. Thank you, uncle and auntie. hah...

Muar --> Otak-otak + Star Restaurant

Last attempt about Muar trip, of course cannot left out otak-otak. More than 1000+ households make otak-otak as their occupation. You could imagine, as a tourist actually is hard to find good otak-otak to eat. But, here I gonna introduce this shop, I am one of those faithful customers. Last time, we have to go to his house to buy the otak-otak, so lots of outsiders did not know how to get there. But more hassel..coz they have a shop alr..hehe.. A Class Otak-otak locates opposite a famous hawker centre called Bentayam. 3 types of otak-otak could be chosen - fish, prawn and sotong. They also sell otak-otak bun. Now, introduces food again =.=lll We have our meal in an air-cond restaurant called Star. It opens from noon till night. During the wedding season, you will be hardly get a seat in the restaurant. The food is delicious, and the place is cosy and clean, the waitress service quite ok and the price is reasonable. Vege cooked with 3 types of egg - ji dan, pi dan, and xian dan ...

Muar --> Tanjung + Monkey

Except famous of food, Muar has another attraction, which namely Muar River. It is kinda big till my friends keep saying it is a sea. Well, it is really a RIVER. Please trust me once, okie? haha.. I always love the blue sky, with a gentle breeze on my face. Sitting or standing by this river, is always help me to feel calm. There is 2 places to go, both also could see this gigantic muar river. Muarian called them as new tanjung and old tanjung. New tanjung is not commecialized, people used to like to jog or stroll around there. But, old tanjung is good for family outing because there is playground, boat service to enjoy the scene of muar for 45 min, and also got places for people to sit down. Mosque - light will be on when it is night =D Except tanjung, I could say wild monkey are quite plenty in Muar. They are not under control, so they keep reproducing..haha..It is kind of scary to step down from the car because the monkey are strolling around the road. Sometimes, they just wanted to ...

Muar --> Bat Kut Teh 肉骨茶

Bat Kut Teh - is one of the favourite meal for most of the chinese. In KL, I saw people eating Bat Kut Teh at night. It made me wonder, how could people eat at night? It is due to Muar culture. We eat Bat Kut Teh in the morning as our Breakfast. We hardly find it at night. This Bat Kut Teh located opposite a fire station and churches. I love to eat there. Firstly, the soup is not salty, and when you drink it, the herb taste is still in your mouth. Secondly, if you eat on Sunday, you might most probably hear worship singing from the churches, is an add on enjoyment. Their Bat Kut Teh is very "porky" - haha.. I like yam rice with Bat Kut Teh instead of white rice Never not to order - you tiao *thumb up* haha- cos is my favourite Muar is all about eat, eat, eat...haha..

Muar --> Wan Tan Mee

3rd attempt, is to introduce wan tan mee in Muar. If you come to Muar, don't forget to eat this. Morning, afternoon or night, you able to find it most of the stalls in Muar. But, here I am to introduce this shop which always packed with customers, and they only came to eat wan tan mee. It opens only at night, if not mistaken it starts at 9pm till 3am. It is located at "3rd road" of Muar. This boss started his business with a small little stall at the roadside. At first, he only sold black source wan tan mee, now when the business ventures and prospects, he started to add on spicy wan tan mee and dry wan tan. Black souce noodles - traditional yet tasty =D Spicy noodles - very Q Wan tan mee can never eat without wan tan. This shop provided the best wan tan that i ever ate. The wan tan is bigger in size, then the texture of the meat is soft. Dry wan tan - should try it i like this - soupy wan tan As I can say, to eat in Muar is never too expensive. I think 1 plate is only co...

Muar --> 434 coffee

Muar, also famous of coffee. The most prominent coffee is 434 coffee. It is located opposite Muar bus station. Due to one of my friends requested, we went there to enjoy the fragrant of coffee bean. At the every first moment we stepped in the shop, the smell of coffee came to intrude our senses. Fantastic smell for coffee lovers of course. haha Inside the shop, there is also a small cafe. The atmosphere is cosy and windy. Nice to sit down to have a cup of hot drink even the weather is hot. We ordered 3 cups of coffee. 2 normal coffee - coffee o and coffee, and another 1 is white coffee. Recommanded the coffee with milk, it tastes nicer. It will be nice if the waitress there are more friendly. The bun are great. Don't forget to try it. The price is reasonable, overall please stop by if you come to Muar.