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Showing posts from August, 2009

读后语 《手心里的祝福》

假期绝对是让我 充实的日子。没得上网,就翻一翻橱柜,找出了我未读的励志故事书。空闲时,课业读物绝对放一边,或者那些死板的-我绝对没兴趣去看。我爱看励志书,因为它很故事性,从中也不忘得让读者了解人生的道理或生存之道。它的诠释,让我的情感也一起的沸腾。书能够让我爱不释手,就是因为我对故事结局的期待。这本,王志强的著作-手心里的祝福,让我想写下我的读后感。 为何叫做手心里的祝福呢?故事环绕着两个现况。一,讲述着这本书的主角-林亦杰被送入感化院之前的所作所为。二,讲述着林亦杰被感化的成果,这个成果化为一种原动力,这就是他被吩咐写信给一个不认识却患了血癌的小妹妹,并给与她鼓励。之间他们以信的交流,显示着对方都重见曙光与希望。 林亦杰,来之不温暖的家庭。爸爸忙着应酬,妈妈却沉迷于股票。他,有一个很要好的妹妹。受到物质上的满足的他,没有得到父母的关爱也无所谓。叛逆期的时段,有一次被流氓的欺压而渐渐变成了他们的死党。他,越陷越深-是因为他在他们身上看到了义气。有福同享,有难同当。他再也不害怕,不寂寞-因为他找到他的归属感。 这种的归属感,非良性。因为,他变得了暴力。他沉迷于烟酒。他非常的享受当别人叫他“杰哥”。他变成了流氓。他,不再感受自卑,反而认为他所做的一切是理所当然的。就算,他的父母要离婚,他也无所谓,因为他可以投靠他们。他,杀了人。一切,如梦初醒。。他,无法面对他的家人 在感化院里,他受到一个长官的爱护。为了让陌生妹妹能够积极的面对癌症,他以幽默的手法抖她开心。很喜欢一句话。有爱的心,就有希望。心理学可以医治很多人的心,医生就只能医治身体的病痛。所以,要好起来,有希望的心是非常重要的。 在爱的环境里,一个人的心智也不一样的。一个拥有神的爱的人,也会更加拥有爱的力量,想要去辅助别人。一个充满爱的人,就会想要分享爱。受到一个陌生人的爱,这个爱的魔力也比较的强。感受到神的爱的人,也对生命充满着希望。 每个人也许更本懂或不懂得爱,不过爱是由生俱来的。如何去爱,更本没有一个定点。用自己的方式去爱,才是最真实的。 诚恳地心,就不需要担心别人体会不到你的爱。回应的爱,是最珍贵的。失去了,才会去了解。 当你越认识一个人时,爱也会变困难了。因为,你爱的人或爱你的人也渐渐的对你对自己有要求。比较之前与现在,就会去衡量爱的有多深,多少。爱,可能变痛苦。因为,你不知道该给,或不给。给多,或给少。爱...


辗转难眠,睡不好,又睡不着。。 少了风扇的旋转,地板还是冰冷的。。 我的手,也是。。 冰冷的手,为何没有冰冷的心呢? 脑袋特别的清醒,但是却给了我一双疲惫的眼睛。。 事情总是没有两全其美, 我要入眠,却失眠了。。 我要头脑简单,却更复杂了。。 我要。。却得到不要。。 没想到,嗜好就是睡觉的我,也会失眠。。 失眠并不好受,有理由的失眠更加的不好受。。 理由,这也许更本并不是一个理由。。 死脑袋,又发生故障。。 让我睡吧,我不要有头脑,我不要有思绪,我不要有情感。。 原来,失眠就是这样。。

Movie: UP

Genre: Adventure, Animation Producer: Pixar Animation Studios This movie started off with a young shy guy, Carl Fredickson who fell in love with an eccentric girl, Ellie. Both of them are the super fan of Charles Muntz, the adventure explorer who proclaimed to bring back the live creature for his ruined reputation. The love is just simple. "Cross your heart" - Ellie wanted Carl to promise to bring her to Paradise Falls where Muntz been to. Cross your heart is a swear that Carl made for Ellie. I was touched by their romance and love toward each others. When they were old, finally Carl managed to buy air fare to South America for his wife, sadly his wife died off. Carl was sturbornly refused to sell their cartoon dream house to developer, for no other reason, it is only how Carl showed his love toward Ellie. He was sturborn, but is all about love and promise that he has with his wife. He was summoned to court for deliberately hurt other (the mail box was accidentally destroye...

Tanjung Sepat & Sepang Gold Coast

Initially, we only planned to go Sepang Gold Coast, also called as Bagan Lalang Beach which located at the strait of Malacca, Sepang. It is a half developed place, whereas more development need to be made in order to attact more tourists. It took us around 1 and half hour from KL till Sepang (you may follow this location map: ). After doing research through google, we found out that Bagan Lalang is very nearby Tanjung Sepat, which only 2o minutes away, hence we decided to have Tanjung Sepat + Sepang Gold Coast a day trip. The sea water definitely is not clean, is quite polluted. It is a good place to stroll around especially for family, couples or friends. Wind wasn't that strong, our kite can't even stay on sky for 5 minutes, so it is kind of disappointing. However, I like the white and smooth sand. I love stepping on sand, and playing some childhood game on sand. I always had a dream to collect seashell on the beach, catching crabs, build...

15 Malaysia: House by Linus Chung

Another short film for 15 Malaysia that I like. I like is because this film showed us the reality that we are facing through a small kid. What is your dream house? His dream house is to keep the house that his dad built. But, his dream wasn't appreciated by his teacher, and his hand made paper dream house has been destroyed by his friends. In reality, his house was destroyed by constructor, they are homeless. This film tried to portray a dream house ain't need to be big or expensive, most importantly what is the most valuable thing that you want to keep for your house. The ending by the appearance of Yashim Ahmad, was a shocked for me. She didn't speak, but she just be there for the kid. I think the director wanted to show that at last there is someone there for you, even though no one support you. Although just a silence, it brings warmth to heart.


新洲日报评论家,郑丁贤对“巧克力”的看法,看得我鼻子酸酸的。。 “15马来西亚”短片,播了两部。如果问说看到了甚么,我的回答是“自己”。 雅斯敏阿末的遗作《巧克力》,经营杂货店的华裔家庭,母亲要男孩(儿子)离开“这里”,因为“这里”不属於你,留下来没有前途。 男孩则因“这里”还有很多朋友,不愿离开;他反而置疑母亲要他走,是否因为母亲有了男朋友。 爭吵中,一位包头巾的马来少女来到杂货店买电池和巧克力。男孩被温柔的少女吸引,氛围缓和下来。 突然间,母亲尖锐的声音从后头传出:“你和那个马来婆讲这样久干甚么?” 气氛一时又僵住,少女少带了5分钱,男孩冷酷的把巧克力拿回来。 少女失望的离开,男孩想要追出去,把巧克力给她;这时,母亲的声音又响起;男孩打消念头,留下一些空白、遗憾。 就是这么一个2分多钟的小故事,或者,还不成为故事,只是一个片断。 这可以是故事的片断,也可以是社会的片断。 雅斯敏抓到了很多大马华人的疏离感,以及情感的矛盾。 “这里”没有给予公平的机会,不会有前途。离开“这里”,是最好的出路。 然而,男孩对“这里”是有感情的。其他地方固然提供了奖学金和发展的机会;但是,那是一个陌生的地方,缺乏情感的联繫。 马来少女的出现,是一种触媒,代表了社会关係的连接。 不过,这种触媒只產生短暂的作用。母亲的声音,代表社会固有的成见,也是一股抗拒改变的力量,把一切带回原状。 看完之后,有一股凝重的感觉。 大家都不喜欢那位母亲的谈话(母亲始终没有现身,只听到她的声音);但是,几乎每个华人家庭,都带有这个影子。 大家也为男孩觉得遗憾,他应该更热情一些,不需要自我保留,自己设限。 的確,华人生活在马来西亚,太多瞻前顾后,碍手碍脚的想法;担心这个,害怕那个,尤其表现在社会和政治生活。 所以我说,大家可以从短片中看到的是“自己”。 雅斯敏的这部短片,是她观察到的华人生活在大马社会的矛盾;她没有提出方向或结论,或许她也没有主张。 她只是把问题点出来,让大家去思考。

15 Malaysia : Chocolate by Yasmin Ahmad

I don't know why, after I watched it..The music has brought me to an emotional state. It sounded sad. Enjoyed it. I Love the way Yashim Ahmad directed the film. A sudden shift of attention, from irritation to tenderness. The state of anger and love hocked up together. So, what do you think the message that this short film is trying to bring it out? Looking at the making of chocolate too :) You will realise hard Yasmin Ahmad has tried to impact people in Malaysia.

Kelantan Trip - 2nd day (150809)

A very big thank you to my play pals. Because of me, they woke up at 5am. We departure to Pantai Cahaya Bulan to see sunrise. It is known as Beach of Moonlight, the most popular spot for tourists and local people. The sky is still considered dark when we reached there at 6.15am. Interesting, the malay eating stall opened at that time. We waited in the car because mat rempit were mingled around and showed off with their motor skills there. Finally, we saw the sky turned into orange, and the clowd was in black color. We were so afraid that we cant see the sunrise, because we waited till 7am whereas the sky is already turning white. Finally, our wish came true. First in my life time, I saw sunrise. I love it so much, and we camwhoring a lot as well. How I wish I could stay in this moment for long. We are super hungry after long waiting sunrise, we ahead to Pasar Siti Khadijah, located at the heart of Kota Bahru. Local women was busy selling vegetables, local foods, utensils and etc. We bo...

Kelantan Trip - Day 1 (140809)

Kelantan is located at the north-east coast of peninsular Malaysia, 95% of population of this state are Malay Muslim. I sat the Cepat Express bus from Muar to Kelantan at 9pm on Thursday night (130809). The bus fare is Rm52, judged from the fare you can know that it is a long distance gap between this state, and it took me 12 hours to reach the capital of Kelantan, Kota Bahru. Out of my expectation, Kota Bahru is a happenning city whereas there is always traffic jam on the road. Majority of the buildings are designed followed the culture of Islam, and the name of companies inprinted with jawa words. I think it is due to the place was ruled by PAS (Pasti Islam Semalaysia). Came to an unfamiliar city, I took a taxi with no meter to USM campus. I met a friendly and helpful taxi driver. Even though he did not know the exact way, he did not giving up to bring me to a right location. Hence, I tasted the friendliness of the people there. The border of Kelantan is Thailand, hence Kelantan some...

Talentime - I Go & Pergi

Talentime, a super great awesome movie I had watched. Listened to the soundtrack of the movie, my heart is shattered. I miss Yashim Ahmad, as a great movie director. Sigh. English version - I Go Malay version - Pergi I love those songs...Oh tears...


爱吃的我,其实也爱看食谱。。看着看着,口水会不经意的想流出来。。最近,放假没事做,就想做一做部落格所看到的一道我超爱吃的小吃-萝卜糕。食谱也很简单,就不管三七二十一,决定做萝卜糕给自己吃,嘻嘻。。不好意思,是向‘家人”炫耀其实他们的女儿是进得了厨房的。。 材料: 白萝卜300 克 自己亲手切丝,比较好吃的哦,还有秘诀来自我的阿姨,就是,萝卜切丝后,要放入热水煮一会,那么萝卜才不会苦,其实可以加多点萝卜,也无所谓 虾干,也就是虾米 50 克 浸泡在水里至软,别太久,要不然虾米的香味会给水冲走哦,然后需要剁碎它 腊肠 2 条 浸泡在水里一会,然后把它的皮脱掉,最后剁碎它 米浆: 粘米粉 300 克 玉米/粟米粉 1 大匙 澄粉/芋头粉 1 大匙 盐 2 小匙 胡椒粉 1 小匙 清水 800毫升 过程: 米浆的材料全部搅拌均匀 烧热适量油,爆香虾干和腊肠,倒入白萝卜炒一炒 倒入已搅拌均匀的米浆,以中火搅煮至变浓稠,熄火 (让它非常的浓,那么蒸的时间就会缩短) 倒入已扫上食油的方形烤盘内,铺平 大火蒸40分钟(我花了将近2个小时,应该是我的第3步骤没做好,不过没关系的,只要蒸到熟为止就行),待凉好切块 成果: 得到不错的口碑,如果你较喜欢清淡的,就放少盐。谢谢别人的食谱,很高心,我自己也很满意,超爱吃的。。


今天,一通的电话,只听到爸爸一直的感叹,他收到了恶讯。。不知情的我,不闻不问,也没有多大的反应,心想晚间时才询问爸爸到底发生什么的事。。 婆婆,最爱我载她去找她的姐妹,也就是我的老姨。路途上,我用这我有限的福建方言与她沟通。有说有笑却不知觉的到达目的地。 拿着拐杖的婆婆,缓缓地下车。突然间,老姨家的邻居爆出一句话“小妹妹,你知不知道那个老人死了”,我不懂装懂,随便的回答,就跟着婆婆进入老姨家。 安顿好了,便自行的坐下。老姨行动不方便,已无法自己走动。婆婆便与老姨以潮州话畅谈起来。没别的用意,婆婆来的目的是想要安抚老姨。 看着老姨,眼眶红红的。。我开始感受到了心里有一丝的悸动。我不禁的感叹。他们谈着老姨丈的后事,老姨丈如何过生。。等等。。 老姨突然悲从中来,我好想哭的感觉。。 为什么? 白发人送黑发人,是难以接受的。。不过,白发人送白发人又何等的感受呢? 今天,我见识到了。。原来,与子偕老,在一对老夫老妻的身上是至上的。老姨回忆着他,叙述着他对她的爱护与关怀,让我鼻子顿时酸酸的。老姨不禁哭了2次,婆婆也只能告诉她“他能够安详的去世,很好命了”强忍的泪水,对她来讲是很困难的。 "家里少了一个人,很孤单” 这是她对她的老公的宣言。哎,感叹人生就是苦短。生老病死,是必经之路。不过,自己的至亲突然的离开,就像在心脏开了一个口。尤其是,平时老伴的踪影已无处可寻,只有回忆中的背影,隐隐约约的烙在心里。 老姨丈的离开,看到了老姨真挚的爱。原来,爱就是这样的简单。爱就是对方的陪伴。 老姨丈,虽然我对你没有很大的印象。不过,我深信你的80多年的生涯,应该是多姿多彩的, 安息吧 ;而老姨,你要好好的活下去。。

小故事分享:成为一个自己愉快,也能够给别人愉快的人 ^.^

一位十六歲的少年去拜訪一位年長的智者。 4 J Z+ w J: J' N0 _ 6 y- D9 {& X3 }0 r6 o麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区| 他問:「我如何才能變成一個自己愉快、也能夠給別人愉快的人呢?」 * W+ b5 G- o; h: n/ v8 T5 FMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 " O1 J/ z& o3 b: K" U2 } 智者笑著望著他說:「孩子,在你這個年齡有這樣的願望,已經是很難得了。很多比你年長很多的人,從他們問的問題本身就可以看出,不管給他們多少解釋,都不可能讓他們明白真正重要的道理,就只好讓他們那樣好了。」 # \* T+ U( r4 Y( U B7 \# Z & K+ z* p! q& [0 x( SMUARTALKS 麻坡论坛 少年滿懷虔誠地聽著,臉上沒有流露出絲毫得意之色。 % I0 e J$ Z! ~6 O/ Z& X2 9 q' H9 N% r# K6 F. E4 J C 智者接著說:「我送給你四句話。」 MUARTALKS 麻坡论坛5 e( M- q' E4 z& B( \+ l ) X- U( {- } j1 L 第一句話是:「 把自己當成別人 。」你能說說這句話的含義嗎? 3 ~, B4 Z* o% P# j: i- m% i麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件 . p, S& l! f) X+ q. |3 X麻坡|麻坡美食|麻坡论坛|麻坡旅游|时尚中文论坛社区| 少年回答說:「是不是說,在我感到痛苦憂傷的時候,就把自己當成是別人,這樣痛苦就自然減輕了;當我欣喜若狂之時,把自己當成別人,那些狂喜也會變得平和中正一些?」 麻坡,麻坡美食,麻坡论坛,麻坡旅游,时尚中文论坛社区,柔佛论坛,东甲论坛,昔加末论坛,新山论坛,插件4 W, Y# d" l! v# E ! W& u1 ^5 Z7 @) ~. r1 |/ n5 { 智者微微點頭,接著說,第二句話:「 把別人當成自己 。」 7 ?& H' i9 A0 ~; B5 E麻坡|麻坡美食...


曾经,有个朋友对我说:你的部落格都是关于友情的,没什么好看”。。虽然,我有点失落,不过我自己明白友情对我来说是很重要的。谈到重要,没笔墨能形容。在这夜深人静的夜晚,没有星星月亮的陪伴,只有冷气的嗖嗖声,及我打字的声音。。这时刻,应该是最好让我写作的时候。虽然没有文采飞扬的文笔,不过只有我内心想要表达的思绪。。 友情代表着人与人之间的感情,也意味着情感上互换的交流。对我而言,我把朋友的定义看的深远。朋友是什么?我讲的是感觉。舒服的感觉是让我继续走友谊之路的必要因素。我跟你做朋友,并不是你很有钱,很聪明,很美丽或等等。。只要我们谈得来,我就会想要维持。。 友谊永固,是我们小学纪念册最常出现的成语。不过,毕业后的我们,又有谁是留下来的?小学朋友,没有几个是有联络的,就算在街上遇上,都会有不好意思地感觉。那么,当时懵懂的我们,只懂得利用成语,却不懂得这个成语真正的意思。 空手说白话,是我们最拿手的。许多的朋友与我们擦身而过,小学到大学,也认识许多朋友,不过大多数是泛泛之交。朋友也像季节,夏季就热情如火,之间的感情飚到最高峰;春季就有一丝丝的爱意,朋友之间也比较的亲密;秋季犹如平淡的一壶茶,没有太大的变化,就只有朋友之间的默契;冬季让友谊冻结,也许渐渐疏远,或友情断了线。 我自认,并不是一个无私的朋友。我对朋友有一定的期待。我会去争取,去维持一段感情,只要我把你当成值得的朋友。最近,妈妈问起了我之前读书好友,我只能回答我已经不知道他们的状况了。换另外一句话来说,双方都没有想要维持友谊的动力。我尝试了,没有成果的回答就代表普通朋友的诞生。 很难得的是,好朋友会与你同甘共苦,不过,我会感到愧疚却感动当朋友不惜一切的与我同在。我不习惯也不想让朋友与我一起痛苦。我想,其他人也许也是这样。每当有事时,除非迫不得已,才会找朋友帮忙。不过,当自己情绪上的低落,也许只是朋友一丁点的关心就已经足够。我接受了朋友许多的爱,让我受宠若惊。 写这的心情故事,其实是要表达我对朋友的看待。今天,我又不经意的让我一个很珍惜的朋友伤心。朋友的不愉快,也造就了我的情绪受到影响。虽然,他表面上对我说他很好,不过我以感觉判断并不是。对不起。 朋友,本来就会有沟通上的问题。当你在乎他时,你就会比较的敏感。当他生气时,或伤心时,就代表她真的很在乎你。友情的玻璃球,虽然破了又破,不过还是可以以缺陷美来欣赏的。我还是很在...

Full stop is not a Stop

My study has come to the full stop. After the submission of my final year project, I thought I will be delighted, yet I wasn't. I was apathetic. No more motivation to complete it, I already forgotten my achievement goals, I have given up. During the phase of life, I felt Life is just ain't about perfection. Imperfection in life is the essence of our growth. In order to grow, old proverb saying "no pain, no gain", it indeed applies to everyone of us. Being through thick and thin, sweat and tears, I started to realise that adaptation to sudden change is incredibly important. For instance, we have a goal to get a First Class Honour in our degree program, but our result speaks no to us. Is it show that we are stupid? Nope, it only tells us that it is a piece of paper which might granted us to obtain better job, yet which class you get is not the guarantee to get a better job. The end of college life, is the start of _______ life. People will fill in the blank themselves....


最近,肚子向我告状。。 它说:“喂,我总觉得空空的,很不舒服咯,要吐要吐” 莫名其妙,我也想要知道为什么这样。。 我说:“你不好受,难道我很好受?每天饱受折磨” 拖了一天又一天,明日复明日。。 终于,向医生投靠去。。 被审问了一大堆关于H1N1的symptoms, 我都想要偷笑,可是还是忍着。。 过后,离谱到问我读书状况。。不过,我想他是想知道我有没有太多的压力。。 他,很镇定的说“小事,不要紧,只是大肠急躁症” 饮食,与情绪(特别压力)是这个症状的主要原因。。 开了药librax给我,叫我吃。。。每天吃2粒。。。 如果,我还是无法控制,可能我即将成为药的奴隶。。 哎,发现到原来这个学期真的带给我许多的压力。。 不只学业上,还有一些麻烦的事务需要处理。。 压力,很清楚是自己给自己的。。 来得快,让我放纵它对我为所欲为。。 感觉到,我也许不太能控制自己的情绪,特别是气愤。。 每当生气时,就会发抖。。 没有想到,原来我真的可以变成恶魔。。 满脑子都有粗话,没说只是给面子。。 我,看到自己的极端。。我很讨厌。。因为我不应该。。 我的自我,消失了; 我的心,讨厌我了; 我的脑,累了; 我的身体,抱怨了; 我不开心,我大多数的时间就是低落,疲倦,因为我需要去面对。。 就算开心,也是短暂的,因为是我逃离现实所得的回报。。 自己搞不清楚自己的状况,又让别人操心。。 想着,就觉得肚子隐隐作痛。。。 脑就是空白的。。让我休息吧。。。


这首歌,是由大马人:陈颖见作词作曲 没心做该做的东西,思绪漂浮不定 只是连续的听这首歌。。 喜欢歌词的几句话。。红色的句子是我所爱。。 为什麽如此的安静 为什麽明明想靠近 却还在迟疑 努力的我保持镇定 努力开拓话题 最後却溃不成军 *为什麽如此的美丽 深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑 每一天无法不想你 连闭上眼睛 怎麽都是你 你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我 虽然我对自己没有一点的把握 别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受 至少忐忑已告一段落 你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我 反正看或不看 我依然失魂落魄 成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过 你能给我 快乐还是寂寞 * Repeat 想念燃烧个不停 我快置身灰烬 你是我的呼吸 你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我 虽然我对自己没有一点的把握 别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受 至少忐忑已告一段落 你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我 反正看或不看 我依然失魂成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过 你能给我 能给我什麽 快乐还是寂寞落魄

(11+1)th Nite

A play, which I always dreamt of watching. Every time I got hooked up with things that hidden me to go for it. This time despite of dilemma in between going back hometown or staying to watch a play, I decided to go with it at last. This play is called as 11+1 nite , a twisted tale based on William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. It is a project under their English Literature Class, but they also put this project as charity based. Imagine with a RM5, you able to watch a play and your RM5 is going to be donated to Taman Megah Handicapped and Disable Children Home. They are not professional, yet they don't have an elegant stage decoration, but their spirit and enthusiasm in acting impact the audience have a satisfactory night. The theme of the play is comedy, audience can't stop laughing especially the appearance of Orsino , Duke of Illyria , also a character that fall in love into Olivia. I assumed that he was the most funniest character in the play, because of his facial ex...